For Kafka's story The Burrow, I developed a real-time VR portal where the audience was teleported into our miniature set. This simultaneously creating the possibility to alter this reality.
Kafka’s short story “The burrow” is a parable about a society that creates anxieties by the attempt to control them.
Kafka wrote the story six months before his death, in poor health. It was published years later by his friend Max Brood. In the adaption of Silas Neumann and Wieger Steenhuis, diary notes are combined with fragments of the original story and complemented by soundscapes and compositions by Ward Meijer. 
The combination of scale models and new media allows the audience to experience the story within a minituarized landscape using VR glasses. And maybe they will start questioning their own perception as well, just like the main character does. This special combination of disciplines facilitates a captivating journey in the spirit of Kafka.
Analogue Maker and Performance: Silas Neumann
Digital Maker and Performance: Wieger Steenhuis
Compositions and Sound Design: Ward Meijer
Original Text: Franz Kafka
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